Home to my Portfolio

Ride with it - from the Music Gives You Wings CollectionThank you for visiting.

LRHCreative and bcr8tive are testimonial sites that are demonstrations of the skills and experience that I’ve developed creating unique brands, custom graphics and memorable websites. bcr8tive has also allowed me to exhibit my expertise in creating original digital content, building brand awareness, monetizing and developing productive followings through social media avenues.

Over time I’ve added several graphic and development applications to my toolbox. This portfolio displays some work that dates back to earlier days when I was creating quite a bit of 3D, (also animation and some Flash) and then progresses to more current projects that utilize Vectors and Photoshop. The painting portfolio is also a demonstration of growth, both in my painting skills and personally, as many of them have been an outlet for working through personal events. Clicking on any sample image in the portfolio will take you through to a page that describes it in more detail

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